Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Packet Pickup Reminder

G’day Team! This is a long one, so I have broken it down for you.

Packets – Packet pickup is tomorrow at your designated locations. If you have not replied to me, your packet will be at Carpenter Park Recreation Center. Some people paid for their packets to come in the mail. For paid mailers, what you will be picking up tomorrow will not include the items from the Komen Foundation. Please let me know if you are missing anything.

Carpooling – We will meet at Carpenter Park Recreation Center between 6:30 – 6:45 AM on race day. Please park behind the building in the west parking lot by the baseball fields. We will carpool/caravan to the Legacy Parking Lot on the EDS Campus. The line of traffic is always long! Legacy Drive will close at 7:30 AM. In your packets is a map of the course and parking. If we get separated or you can meet us for any reason, we will reconvene at the team photo area. It is highlighted on your map. We will meet there at 7:30 AM to get the picture taken. After that, you are on your own to run, walk, or stroll the race course!

Last Raffle – When we meet for carpooling and again at the team photo site, I will have slips of paper for you to write your name on. After we take the photo, we will draw a name and I will award the $25 Sports Authority gift card to that person. (Sorry, you can only win once!)

Fundraising – If you are fundraising, please make sure you have everything completed and mailed in by race day. It will take me a few days after that to determine who has raised the most. At the race, look for the Friends For the Cure table and claim your prizes from the Komen Foundation.

Chip Timing – If you paid for the time chip, don’t forget to pick up the actual chip before the race! Also, there will be a special section for you to start the race that you may enter at 7:45 AM.

I Know Someone Who Still Wants On The Team – Tell them to sign up! Here’s the link again: They can register online or at the race. The catch is, I will not be able to provide them with a team t-shirt or race packet. They will be able to pick it up themselves.

What To Wear – On race day, please wear your team t-shirt. Pin your race bib on the front of your shirt. Tributes to your loved ones are encouraged. Don’t forget sunscreen!

Please email me with any questions. See you then. Thanks for everything!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Online Registration Over

Hello again Team!

RFTC Registration is finally over. We have 54 team members this year! Thank you all so much for your support. I would like to congratulate Michelle Seyl of Fire Administration on winning the $50 to Sports Authority. Also, Jennifer Wilcox, wife of a Carpenter Park Recreation Center employee, has won the $25 gift card. There are still 2 chances to win!

Our fundraising goal is $5,000. If each one of us raised $93 we would beat it! The highest fundraiser will win another $25 gift card to Sports Authority. Contact me if you would like more information on fundraising.

Race Packet Pick up will be on Thursday, 5/29. That is when you will receive your shirts and bibs. This year there will be 2 places you can pick up your packets. The two locations are Carpenter Park Recreation Center or the Occupational Resource Center. Carpenter Park Rec is located on the west side of Plano on Coit between Spring Creek and Legacy. The phone number is 972-208-8087. This is where I work; you can ask for me. You can pick up you packets between 2:30 – 9:30 PM. The ORC is on the east side of Plano. The address is: 1506 Municipal Avenue. It is a white building on the east side of City Hall. You may pick up packets there during the day from 9 AM – 4 PM. Please RSVP to me where you would to pick it up by Thursday, 5/22.

I will send out another email when we get closer to the Race date with details on carpooling and our last raffle.