Here are the pictures I took at the Race for the Cure. Please email me if you would like a copy of any of these. Thanks!
David and Sara at the Finish Line.
Gotta make sure we get the picture right. :)
One more.
Candice S., Sara A., Jayme L., and Dorian D. at the Finish Line.
More cheerleaders.
Mile 2 around 47 minutes.
Danielle D., Katie D., and Chali G. hamming it up.
The cure is serious business.
Jayme, Dorian, and Candice walking the course.
Look at the crowd!
Turning down Tennyson from Parkwood.
The cherry picker taking our picture.
The starting line.
More starting line.
Stephanie K. wants all survivors to live long and prosper.
Jayme, Dorian, and Candice.
The Farrises: Sara, David, and Tommie.
David and his mommy, Tommie.
A little further back at the starting line.
Mary K-H and Zeke.
Talking about how great the race is.
Sara and David.
David is a trooper.
Look at the Librarians!
They are fantastic!
The Carpenter Crew.
Sara with the Carpenter Camp Counselors, Katie, Danielle, and Charli.
Danielle and Sara.
One more for good luck.
Amy F. and Stephanie K. before the race.

More Carpenters with Zeke.
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